
Vincent Hecht fishy focus profile

Welcomes to FishyFocus. I’m Vincent Hecht, a fisherman with 10+ years of experience out on the waters.

I grew up in Delmarva, Penninsula where fishing is a huge activity. I currently live in Portland, Oregon, and work as a life insurance agent.

I pursue fishing as a hobby and FishyFocus is a passion project.

As you can guess, I have been fishing for several years and on many occasions, I have used the internet to seek reviews, guides, and tutorials about the activity I love. But time and again I have been frustrated to find outdated information or writers prioritizing advertisement partnerships over article quality.

So after fiddling with the idea of starting a blog for many years, here I am.

FisyFocus was launched in January 2023 to help those looking for advice, reviews, guides, and tutorials on everything related to fishing. The website is in its early stage and I will start writing some basic guides around crabbing, clamming, shrimping, etc. But later I plan to cover gear reviews and even recipes. I am very excited and welcome you aboard my journey.

Advertising & Affiliate Policies

In the future, I will be running ads and affiliate programs so that I can quit my day job and do this full-time but rest assured that I will never compromise my ethics and promote products for the sake of money. Besides, making bad recommendations is detrimental to the growth of my website so it doesn’t make sense to sell my sole for a little extra cash, does it? Please read more about my advertising and affiliate policy.

I recommend checking out the following pages: Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

And reach out to me for any questions or suggestions: Contact

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